Big Brother Quarantine Season 12
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Big Brother Quarantine Season 12

~New Game. Different Pieces~
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» Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Mon 17 Oct - 12:31:59

» Thoughts on these thots!
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Loid Forger Mon 17 Oct - 9:55:11

» Terri Joe's Thoughts
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Christine Quinn Mon 17 Oct - 5:29:38

» Arisaw's Feelings
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Beatrix Kiddo Sun 16 Oct - 22:08:33

» Let it Off Your Chest
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Loid Forger Sun 16 Oct - 21:15:03

» The Reveal
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Queen Elizabeth II Sun 16 Oct - 20:25:16

» Motoki’s Thoughts
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Motoki Maxted Sun 16 Oct - 20:25:04

» AFP Winners
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Charlie Dompler Sun 16 Oct - 19:07:32

Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Pamela Jenkins Sun 16 Oct - 19:04:41

» Motoki’s Elimination Game
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Ferris Bueller Sun 16 Oct - 17:40:48

» Final 2 (Winner Revealed)
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Beatrix Kiddo Sun 16 Oct - 17:15:09

» Eleanor’s Thoughts
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Sun 16 Oct - 17:08:54

» Special Thanks
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Arisaw Cox Sun 16 Oct - 17:01:54

» Final 2
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Mark Hoffman Sun 16 Oct - 17:00:38

» Jury vote!!
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Moolissaw Sun 16 Oct - 16:14:16

» Final Impressions/Rankings
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Sun 16 Oct - 16:05:11

» Final Ranking for Haley’s Fav
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Haley James Scott Sun 16 Oct - 15:41:00

» The Jury House
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Lois Griffin Sun 16 Oct - 15:32:30

» Tape Recorder Message
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Danny Torrance Sun 16 Oct - 15:20:30

» Voting Thread
Voting Thread Icon_minitimeby Mark Hoffman Sun 16 Oct - 15:16:31

September 2024


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Arisaw Cox
Arisaw Cox

Join date : 2022-08-19

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PostSubject: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeThu 15 Sep - 1:18:39

Cast Your Votes Here

Please use this thread to vote!!!
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeMon 19 Sep - 1:41:48

Alright so..

I’ve gone back and forth on this so damn much 😭 I absolutely adore Danny and see him as a valuable asset in this game. On the other side, we have Art. Art is extremely good at campaigning. If it weren’t for multiple people messaging me and talking about how good his campaigns were or that he will be in their corners, I would be willing to keep him

With that being said, I am voting to evict Art The Clown

To Art The Clown: If you don’t leave, I will 100% pretend as if I voted to keep you. My main issue with you is your campaigns are TOO good. What you’re saying to me, I know you’re saying to others. You have hyped me up so much to make me feel as if I need you. The way in which you articulate yourself is persuasive, and that’s what gets me. Persuasion is a hard thing to accomplish, and the fact you had me wavering was proof enough to myself that you would definitely be an issue for me as the game progresses. No way in absolute hell would I want to see myself on the block next to you. From the sound of it, you will probably end up staying. You may be able to persuade your way to stay, but you won’t persuade me to feel as if I am such an important person to you
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeThu 22 Sep - 11:44:26


Hello everyone! Welcome to the second time in which I vote to evict somebody. Today, it is between Frisk and Charlie

With that being said.. I am voting to evict

Charlie Dompler

I have no reason for this other than it being a thrown vote. I have only told two people of what I’m actually doing, and I don’t see either of them snitching on me. I promised Frisk my vote early on, and I plan on sticking to that promise. Plus, Charlie has just not campaigned whatsoever to me. I know Frisk is probably going to leave, so I am going to message Charlie soon to let him know he has my vote to stay tehe
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeSat 24 Sep - 12:13:41


Hello everyone. Today I have to vote between either Lois Griffin or K. What shall I do? The decision for me was quite difficult

With that being said..

I am voting to evict Lois Griffin

I know that Lois is probably staying, so I want to throw a vote for K to stay in hopes that is has some of the girls questioning each other’s loyalty. I’ve acted on the fence to then waver between keeping K to then completely switching and acting like I want to evict K. In reality, I just wanted to try and divide the house more. I was hoping for K to stay over Lois, but that clearly is just not happening
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeTue 27 Sep - 12:19:01

Alright, fuck it


Hello everyone. Today I have to vote to evict either Sofia Carson or Tangerine. Throughout the day today, the majority has shifted between both on multiple occasions. People wanting to keep Tangerine because they didn’t think Sofia had the votes, to then wanting to evict Tangerine because Sofia DOES have the votes. This leads us to a very.. messy week to say the least

With Nina wanting to speak with Mama about this vote, I am probably going to shoot myself in the foot either way that I do this. I think I will have to message Mama and let her know that Nina wants to evict Tangerine, so I had to act like I was leaning that way to make Nina feel safer in our alliance

Anyways, my decision on this vote is made up. With that being said, I am voting to evict..

Sofia Carson

Sofia, I know you aren’t leaving this week (I sure fucking hope not or I am seriously going to regret voting this way), but I do need to claim a vote on Tangerine staying. Only way for me to do that with the votes shifting entirely is by evicting you to make sure Mark/Loid know that I didn’t evict Tangerine. If either goes around saying that I did keep Tang though, I am definitely fucked 💀

I hope this was the right decision because I NEED you to stay, but I also need to position myself better with this upcoming HoH
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeWed 28 Sep - 13:28:53


Hello everyone. Today I have to cast my vote to evict either Charlie Dompler or Sofia Wylie. As we have seen previously in this section of my Diary Room, I have purposely been voting in the minority after week one. Will I continue that streak, or will it finally end? Tune in and find out.. by literally my next sentence 😃

I am voting to evict..

Charlie Dompler

I think that this week there isn’t necessarily any harm in going with the majority. This week was played out TERRIBLY and was just overall extremely messy. With my veto usage, I need to make it obvious that there isn’t really any hinky votes being thrown around. With Danny MIA and Nina wanting to evict Charlie over Sofia, Charlie is a goner. I also don’t necessarily trust Charlie to keep me safe because I didn’t use the veto on him. I do have some form of a connection with Sofia Wylie as well, so there’s that. There are not enough votes this week for Sofia to leave and I do not want to have people questioning votes once more. This is the week where I have to really pledge full on that I’m with the girls
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeFri 30 Sep - 13:15:20


Hello everyone! Today I have to vote to evict either Sofia Carson or Shoto something. I forget how to spell his last name

With that being said.. I am voting to evict..

Shoto something. Please tell me this counts.. I genuinely forget his last name 😭

Anyways, after last week I think it is extremely important for me to make it known where my vote is going so that I seem like I have been being honest. Meanwhile, I’ve been lying my fucking ass off to every single person here. I hope Shoto leaves as if he doesn’t, I’m kind of fucking myself over
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeFri 30 Sep - 13:27:14

Shoto Todoroki if you need specifics!
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeSat 1 Oct - 13:12:34


Hello everyone. It has come time for me to cast my vote to SAVE either Sofia Carson, Christine Quinn, or Alison Dilaurentis. With that being said..

I am voting to save.. Christine Quinn

I absolute hate this vote. These are three people on the block who have referred to me as their #1 with two people I could see myself beating. I don’t know if I’d be able to beat Christine or not. This is purely for Christine to be a target for Mark/Loid before they target me. Plus, Christine would target them back and that is what I need to happen. These little feuds between houseguests are the perfect bait to allow myself to get further into this game
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeTue 4 Oct - 13:51:51


Hello everyone. This week I have to cast my vote to evict either Aimee Gibbs or Mama Toad. I have decided..

I am voting to evict.. Mama Toad

This could easily bite me in the ass. I really hope it doesn’t, but it will. I wouldn’t be shocked if Mama leaves with another exposing thread with me on it. At this point in the game, I feel like that’s just what I need to expect when it comes to everyone. This eviction really fucking sucks. I have spent so goddamn long wracking my brain. I needed it to do everything except tie, and I mean I’m at least glad for that. I just hate this week so fucking much. So much. I am so sorry wifey 😭😭😭😭😭
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeThu 6 Oct - 4:13:21


Hello everyone. This week I have to cast my vote to evict either Danny Torrance or Loid Forger. I have decided…

I am voting to evict… Loid Forger

Loid, as much as I love you, I am also aware of your threat level in this game. While you would probably keep me safe again if you were to win an HoH, the person next to you would do the exact same thing. The difference between you both? He’s not an underdog. Your story in this game is fucking amazing. You’ve managed to make it to the final 10 while being in the minority for a majority of this game. Only two other people can say that, but even then, YOU have played the best game out of all three. It pains me to evict you, but I also know you lied to me about your steal a vote. It’s cool and I get it, but it gave me a reason to evict you without having to come up with a bullshit reason or something
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeSat 8 Oct - 21:25:01


Hello everyone!

This week I have to cast my vote to evict either Christine Quinn or Aimee Gibbs

With that being said, I am voting to evict Christine Quinn

Love you Christine and you’re probably staying. Hopefully you do or Danny might be hella mad at me 💀
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeSun 9 Oct - 4:36:04


Hello everyone!

This week, I have to cast my vote to evict either Danny Torrance or Beatrix Kiddo

With that being said, I am GLADLY voting to evict Beatrix Kiddo

Beatrix, honestly.. you just piss me off to no fucking end. I genuinely do not know what I could’ve possibly done to you to make you despise me so damn much. You’re the only who rarely speaks with me, and then you have the audacity to have a huge ass meltdown about me? It’s your fault that I’ve put you on the block twice. There’s a reason for it. It’s called your lack of communication. And honestly, the way you speak to me really bugs me. You try and make me feel TERRIBLE about my decisions, and I just fucking hate it. I’m evicting you. I told you you had my vote to stay, but you don’t anymore. I’ll gladly own up to it tomorrow too idc. Even if you stay, I’m just glad that I can evict you. I haven’t been given that opportunity as it’s always been me who has nominated you. You probably won’t leave, but I hope you do ✌

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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeMon 10 Oct - 21:47:03


Hello everyone!

This week I have to cast my vote for either Christine Quinn, Sofia Wylie, Lois Griffin, or Beatrix Kiddo

With that being said..

I am voting to evict Sofia Wylie

It’s been a long time coming. I genuinely despise the do nothing all game and then making it far as hell in the game and potentially having the chance to win out. I firmly believe that’s the game that you’re trying to play, and with that, I know for a fact that I need you GONE in this game. Nina is the best bet for me to currently get to the end. As long as she’s telling the truth, if her and I are able to beast out these end competitions, I might be able to make the final 2. Whether I win or lose though.. Idfk 💀💀 all I know is that you and Beatrix are my biggest “threats” in not making it there. Beatrix a little less than you as you won an extremely difficult veto early on
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Voting Thread   Voting Thread Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 3:56:54

I have taken both of your pleas + answers to the questions provided by other jury members into consideration when sending this vote. Overall, I honestly hate the way both of you have played this game. While Nina, I understand you being busy with school and such, I just genuinely dislike having to rely on competition wins because of not reaching out to others to form connections. I know you did that with me, but I was on the receiving end of that by both Lois and Mark for a long time, so I can understand why others feel a certain way towards you. I get that you have reasoning though, so you do have that part that I’m taking into consideration. As for Beatrix, I genuinely still don’t think you did a damn thing. Like no offense.. but making one alliance and voting every week just doesn’t scream winner to me. Parts of your plea I’ve had to refute as I believe the information to be inaccurate. I understand not being able to win competitions, but I feel as if you haven’t gone out of your way to convince people to vote a certain way. Take Christine for example with the guys alliance bullshit. Your strategy to me was just sitting there doing nothing the entire time. Like, yes, you survived the block on multiple occasions, but that’s because everyone else has done something to at least showcase them being a potential threat. I just do not see that with you. (Also, you will see a message in my DR if you check it out from week 2. I hope you don’t take it to heart, but you really pissed me off 💀).

Anyways, I realize I am probably coming off as rude. It’s just my opinion and I feel like all of the jury give or take one or two members are more deserving than either of you. Obviously, that cannot happen as it is you both who are in the final 2, not any of us. With that, I must cast my vote for one of you to win.

I am voting for Nina Bo’nina Brown to win this game. I was not on the receiving end of being ignored by you, and that weighed heavily in my decision making.

I genuinely have no idea which one of you are going to win this game, but I wish you both the best of luck and may the best speaker come out on top.
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