Big Brother Quarantine Season 12
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Big Brother Quarantine Season 12

~New Game. Different Pieces~
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Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Mon 17 Oct - 12:31:59

» Thoughts on these thots!
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Loid Forger Mon 17 Oct - 9:55:11

» Terri Joe's Thoughts
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Christine Quinn Mon 17 Oct - 5:29:38

» Arisaw's Feelings
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Beatrix Kiddo Sun 16 Oct - 22:08:33

» Let it Off Your Chest
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Loid Forger Sun 16 Oct - 21:15:03

» The Reveal
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Queen Elizabeth II Sun 16 Oct - 20:25:16

» Motoki’s Thoughts
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Motoki Maxted Sun 16 Oct - 20:25:04

» AFP Winners
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Charlie Dompler Sun 16 Oct - 19:07:32

Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Pamela Jenkins Sun 16 Oct - 19:04:41

» Motoki’s Elimination Game
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Ferris Bueller Sun 16 Oct - 17:40:48

» Final 2 (Winner Revealed)
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Beatrix Kiddo Sun 16 Oct - 17:15:09

» Eleanor’s Thoughts
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Sun 16 Oct - 17:08:54

» Special Thanks
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Arisaw Cox Sun 16 Oct - 17:01:54

» Final 2
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Mark Hoffman Sun 16 Oct - 17:00:38

» Jury vote!!
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Moolissaw Sun 16 Oct - 16:14:16

» Final Impressions/Rankings
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Sun 16 Oct - 16:05:11

» Final Ranking for Haley’s Fav
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Haley James Scott Sun 16 Oct - 15:41:00

» The Jury House
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Lois Griffin Sun 16 Oct - 15:32:30

» Tape Recorder Message
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Danny Torrance Sun 16 Oct - 15:20:30

» Voting Thread
Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeby Mark Hoffman Sun 16 Oct - 15:16:31

June 2024


 Final Impressions/Rankings

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Terri Joe

Terri Joe

Join date : 2022-09-14

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PostSubject: Final Impressions/Rankings   Final Impressions/Rankings Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 16:05:11


Well, well. Another season already come and gone Sad I truly think this was one of the funniest casts out of all of BBQ and I love that you all kept it fun and cute. It was a real treat and I thank you all and hope you had fun and will return in the future. I can't wait find out who you all are <3

Now, for how I feel about all of you...

23 - TYLER JOSEPH = Cheater, wack, irrelevant, fraudulent, fugly, etc. We will waste no time on you! Good riddance and you are NAWT missed! #Cancelled

22 - FRISK = Giving you what you gave the season: Not a thing. The character choice? Wrong. The gameplay? Wrong. The exit? That was funny with your little gif, so you did that right <3 #NeverStarted

21 - SOFIA CARSON = If you told me at the start of the seasons she’d be this low I would have truly called you crazy, but Miss HAHA was so irrelevant I’m sorry asksada. Her only contributions were what? Winning that first veto and being dramatic and then just laughing the rest of the time as she was dragged along. Eleanor said it best this one was annoying AF, but at least she was pretty! #BitchBye

20 - BEATRIX KIDDO = I’m sorry, but you just really never did anything for me and just seemed to be there :/ Congrats on making it to the end though! #BeautifulJumpsuits

19 - DANNY TORRANCE = I admittedly liked THE CHILD at the beginning, especially when they accidentally posted those answers in public. Iconic tbh, but they faded as the season went on and wanted to be nothing but an Andrea minion and annoyed the hell out of me. Sad how they fizzled tbh. #FuckThemKids

18 - BRYCE HALL = I am actually sad he left when he did now. I might have judged him too harshly and wonder how he would have done if he stayed. Misunderstood king! #WhatCouldHaveBeen

17 - CHARLIE DOMPLER = I still hate the yellow face like omg PLS! Him randomly winning that HOH though was hilarious and then he went right out the door the round after like talk about embarrassing. #FindAGoodSkincareRoutine

16 - MICHELLE YEOH = YES, I know she should be down there with her twin, partner in crime, best friend, other personality, whatever you want to call them! But, miss thing was a hilarious mess and you can’t tell me otherwise lmao. She was so random and fun to laugh at with whatever rididuclous sentences she would type. At least she made me laugh which is more than some of the ones below her can say and the other bloggers dragging her too made those first rounds so fun and memorable. #WHEREISYOURSCOOTER?

15 - SHOTO TODOROKI = Messy burned king! I will always appreciate him for that hilarious house meeting and almost staying on that vote! He just caused so much random chaos it was hilarious, but I was scared he was trying to set my gworl up!! Thankfully, that didn’t affect her so I can enjoy it more. I can just imagine the mess if he stayed. #Shein-Zuko


13 - ALISON DILAURENTIS = Ugh, another character choice that wasn’t utilized to it’s full potential sadly. I would honestly forget she was in the game at times lmao, but I think she was doing pretty good up until that double. Who knows what would have happened had Nina not been the one to win it. Regardless, she did make me scream when she dragged her in the Jury House! #PrettyLittleLoser -A

12 - ART THE CLOWN = He is this high simply because his eviction was one of the funniest first boots I’ve seen like pls. First with the obviously disgusted “Oh Okay” after the votes were revealed and then saying he hoped he d*ed in real life so they’d feel bad or something ABDSNDSAD so random!!! King tbh and he would’ve been hilarious had he stayed. His character was just too creepy to me though! And I recently watched the movie he from and I was right to think this character is creepy, nasty, and scary! I almost want to see the sequel, but chile they saying people throwing up and passing out from some scenes like let me just carry on and carve a pumpkin or sumn. #IconicFirstBoot

11 - K = Now, my one sided beef with this machine was fun and honestly, I think I was too hard on him? I actually miss him lmaooo like I kinda wished he lasted longer. I will never forget my heart almost jumping out of my chest when he almost won that HOH like I would be so pissed if I lost because I chose the wrong thing in a 50/50 choice. Ooh chile. His know it all attitude though was truly frustrating. #ABCDEFYOU!

10 - ANDREA AGOSTI = This bitch ajssjskd. We cannot lie she gobbled this season up like almost going un-nominated the whole season like that is so embarrassing for the rest of these people to let her do that. I still feel personally some of it was luck with some of these other clueless contestants, but regardless she ate and left no crumbs and we have to give credit. She was also so fun to hate. If only her character choice was something that somewhat appealed to me I might have supported. #Agosti’sAngels

9 - TANGERINE = WHEW! Eye candy (fruit?) of the season so true! He had the looks, the skills winning those comps, and he was obvi likable like ugh no wonder jealous took him out. These bitches knew they could never handle a REAL man!! I’m still so sick he was evicted when he was … but he was an Andrea minion down bad it seems so we can’t be that sad! I still wish he lasted longer, though. #TangyDaddy

8 - LOIS GRIFFIN = This queen of the CUNTS lmaoo. I knew she gave me dark horse vibes and would go far. I wish Christine had kept her at Final 4, but we move. I love her bitchy attitude and she truly should have won that story HOH, but her winning that veto and fighting with Loid that round was iconic. Truly one of the funniest cast members in my opinion. #NoValueAsAHumanBeing

7 - AIMEE GIBBS = You know, I didn’t care for her much at the beginning, but she had her moments and won me over. Definitely a smart player who did so well even if she struggled to win a comp and was blamed for so many things lmaoo. She was an icon and I am glad she enjoyed herself and was able to win an HOH <3 #Guilty

6- MARK HOFFMAN = Ugh my underdog king!!! I won’t lie I wanted to throw Mark in one of them traps myself when he threw my gworl on the block, but I think they were able to move past that and he was fighting for his life. It was exciting to watch him try to survive and I wish he had been able to win that crucial HOH he needed. Regardless, he was the last man standing (I don’t count THE CHILD as he is a child Razz) and he should be proud of how far he came. He just was stuck with some bottom barrel allies and couldn’t claw himself out the hole he was wrongfully thrown in! #Robbed

5 - NINA BO'NINA BROWN = I’m sorry, but sis is such a hilarious chaotic mess. Nina annoyed me at first with her overly long paragraphs in the bathroom at the start, but overtime I became more and more fond of her badassery and compe beast abilities. And never sitting as a final nom? Her power!!! She gave Angelica Schuyler in a way of just logging on to win comps and barely socializing with some people, so I can understand it haha. At least she was busy, I just never wanted to talk to those people asnkdajs. I do love her though and think she would make a great winner! #Janelle&MichaelWho?

4 - CHRISTINE QUINN = From the start it was obvious there were 2 queenpins running the game. One was obvi Andrea and the other was Christqueen. The difference was Andrea was annoying as hell, while Christine was a lovable bad bitch! And a bad bitch she was! Flipping votes left and right, being sassy and funny, being one of the only ones to answer our blogging questions. She had this game on lock and the power struggle between her and Andrea that brewed and grew throughout the season to see who would come out on top was glorious and worth the wait! And Christqueen came out on top as she should’ve! I wanted to strangle her when she didn’t put Andrea on the block, but I think her true mistake was evicting Lois over Beatrix. No way Nina or Lois would’ve taken each other I think but idk. We’ll never know. But she did very well and would’ve been an iconic winner. I may be a Wylie Warrior, but I do part-time as a Christine Crazy as well!! #Christine’sCrazies4Ever!

3 - MRS. DOLORES "MAMA" TOAD = Now you talking about Ribbity Ribbity ROBBED!!! Oh this was a travesty. Oh this was a desecration. Oh this was a worldwide SHUTDOWN!!! Like I am still not recovered nor will I ever! She had it ALLL and I wanted—No, I NEEDED more from her and will always want to strangle Loid for taking her away!! It was just turrible your honor! Truly turrible. Regardless, she is like the most iconic of the houseguests because who is competition for a fancy ass toad with lips bigger than the Kartrashians combined? Exactly. MAMA WE LOVE YOU AND ALWAYS WILL!!!! <3 #MOTHEROfTheFroggers

2 - LOID FORGER = Loid. Loid. Loid. Whatever will I do with you?? You started out irrelevant for me with your character choice because I hate anime, then you put my bitch Sofia W on the block and I declared war on you, and then you took my Mama away from me!! You truly should be at the bottom for all your sins … but yet I can’t help but love you lmao. Can we say the ultimate mess? That wheel of yours was one of the most memorable parts of the season (even if it did bring back some terrible Christmas-time memories *shivers*) and his answers and posts to us bloggers had me dying laughing. Truly one of the most dramatic players, but we love that! And he was the first one to shout me out so how can I not stan? <3 #LongLiveLoid

1 - SOFIA WYLIE = My QUEEN!!! As IF anyone else was getting this spot adsjncdsans I mean is there truly anything more that I need to say? My blog speaks for itself of my love of this one … and that I probably need to be committed, but me move lmaoo. Ever since she won the first HOH I knew she was one to watch. Truly the main reason I stuck around when it looked like Andrea was heading straight for the win for early on. Her highs were my highs and her lows were my lows! I’m pretty sure I freaked out more when she was on the block than she did. Just everything was immaculate and incomparable. The humor, the pfps, the videos, the iconic veto speech, the throwing of comps, ugh her mind >>> Always and forever the baddest bitch of the season and the most robbed! I truly believe this one could have and would have gone all the way. Thank you for being the best <3 #WylieWarriorsUntilDeath!!!!

Pamela Jenkins, Motoki Maxted, Ferris Bueller, Eleanor Bonneville and Jack Black like this post

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