Big Brother Quarantine Season 12
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Big Brother Quarantine Season 12

~New Game. Different Pieces~
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» Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Mon 17 Oct - 12:31:59

» Thoughts on these thots!
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Loid Forger Mon 17 Oct - 9:55:11

» Terri Joe's Thoughts
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Christine Quinn Mon 17 Oct - 5:29:38

» Arisaw's Feelings
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Beatrix Kiddo Sun 16 Oct - 22:08:33

» Let it Off Your Chest
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Loid Forger Sun 16 Oct - 21:15:03

» The Reveal
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Queen Elizabeth II Sun 16 Oct - 20:25:16

» Motoki’s Thoughts
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Motoki Maxted Sun 16 Oct - 20:25:04

» AFP Winners
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Charlie Dompler Sun 16 Oct - 19:07:32

Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Pamela Jenkins Sun 16 Oct - 19:04:41

» Motoki’s Elimination Game
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Ferris Bueller Sun 16 Oct - 17:40:48

» Final 2 (Winner Revealed)
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Beatrix Kiddo Sun 16 Oct - 17:15:09

» Eleanor’s Thoughts
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Sun 16 Oct - 17:08:54

» Special Thanks
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Arisaw Cox Sun 16 Oct - 17:01:54

» Final 2
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Mark Hoffman Sun 16 Oct - 17:00:38

» Jury vote!!
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Moolissaw Sun 16 Oct - 16:14:16

» Final Impressions/Rankings
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Terri Joe Sun 16 Oct - 16:05:11

» Final Ranking for Haley’s Fav
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Haley James Scott Sun 16 Oct - 15:41:00

» The Jury House
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Lois Griffin Sun 16 Oct - 15:32:30

» Tape Recorder Message
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Danny Torrance Sun 16 Oct - 15:20:30

» Voting Thread
Final 2 Icon_minitimeby Mark Hoffman Sun 16 Oct - 15:16:31

June 2024


 Final 2

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Mark Hoffman
Lois Griffin
Christine Quinn
Sofia Wylie
Danny Torrance
Andrea Agosti
Nina Bo'Nina Brown
Beatrix Kiddo
Arisaw Cox
13 posters
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Arisaw Cox
Arisaw Cox

Join date : 2022-08-19

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PostSubject: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSat 15 Oct - 23:06:21

Final 2

Final 2 Bw3hi8F

Congratulations Beatrix Kiddo & Nina Bo'Nina Brown, you are the final 2. You both made it here through different paths, but you both made it here against the odds.

Beatrix Kiddo & Nina Bo'Nina Brown will post their opening statements and then the jury can start asking questions and make comments. Until then, DO NOT ADDRESS THEM.

The Jury

Sofia Carson
Alison Dilaurentis
Mrs. Dolores 'Mama' Toad
Loid Forger
Mark Hoffman
Aimee Gibbs
Danny Torrance
Sofia Wylie
Andrea Agosti
Lois Griffin
Christine Quinn

Pamela Jenkins, Terri Joe, Andrea Agosti, Danny Torrance and Beatrix Kiddo like this post

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Arisaw Cox
Arisaw Cox

Join date : 2022-08-19

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 0:20:40

Votes are due in your Diary Room at 4:00pm EST btw

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Beatrix Kiddo

Beatrix Kiddo

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 0:51:51

Greetings esteemed jury,

First I would like to thank you all for a wonderful game through the banter and impressive rigor from the competitors. I would like to also thank the hosts for dealing with me and putting on such an amazing game that is Big Brother Quarantine. Now that that's out of the way,

Jury I want to say that it was not easy getting here. On day one I was daunted even with the beginning trap but I persevered. I was nominated week two by the lovely Andrea Agosti on the basis that I just did not speak much with her which was very true. This was a great wake up call for me and I feel like this is when I really started playing the game. It was through that near death experience that I felt like I needed to make social connections which I did. I was able to connect very well with Aimee Gibbs, Christine Quinn, and even Andrea who had just nominated me a week prior. I wanted to nurture these relationships because I honestly really loved these girls and I was able to have real conversations with them. It was through those relationships I created my first alliance known as the Slaydies. We had many game conversations and it became increasingly useful because each of those three girls had won a HOH. However, I was pawned by both Andrea and Christine but I was not that worried since I was assured I would stay and I think this is a true testament to my social prowess. After I stayed with only one eviction vote week two, I remained unnominated and slid under the radar while working on my relationships with my fellow housemates. The only other time I was nominated was at final eight where I also stayed with only one vote to evict. For a while I only had the slaydies as my main alliance but I knew I needed to branch out after Loid and Mark were both evicted. I started nurturing relationships with individuals like Danny and Sofia Wylie who gave me great insight on the other side of the house and allowed me to maneuver through the house again under the radar. I valued my relationship with Danny Torrance and it even led him to use the veto on me. Another great ally would be Nina who joins me in the final two now. When many individuals did not know what Nina was doing or whether they were safe or not, she communicated with me that I was safe with her and reassured me that she was with me. While my game may seem mysterious to some, I always went out of my way to personally address those in power to make sure that I would stay another week. Even though I had loyalties and alliances, I never let anyone influence my personal decisions and I always did what I felt was best for my game. Throughout the game I remained loyal however I do have one regret I would like to confess. Aimee, the beginning of the week when you were on the block against Christine I had every intention of saving you, however I felt that you were not being truthful towards me due to our personal messages. You swore up and down that Andrea was a threat and I agreed with you on that because I knew how much of a social and physical threat she was at that stage of the game. I had to vote you out because once you chose Andrea for the veto I felt like I was being played and I needed to preserve myself in the game. I think that move worked out because it garnered trust with Christine and she was able to save me in the final four eviction. While some may consider a pawn I considered myself a vote, which is the most powerful thing you can have in this game. I made my own decisions and I think a great example of this is when I voted out Andrea after she promised me everything under the moon. I realized that there was a possibility that Andrea was closer to Nina and I wanted to secure my best possibility of making the final 2. In the endgame, I was able to secure my safety by constantly reassuring myself through the connections I made in the final six and forward. Another turning point is when I found myself in the Shoto and Sofia Carson vote right before the jury phase started. I saw the division that was beginning in the house and I felt that my relationships were stronger with the girls that definitely pulled through for me. I ended up evicting Shoto because I knew what Sofia was going through and I thought that she would assist me in my personal game. Through my social game and evicting the right individuals I find myself in the final two against Nina. I thank you all for listening to me and I look forward to answering your questions!

Arisaw Cox, Billy The Puppet Eillish, Moolissaw, Haley James Scott, Terri Joe, Christine Quinn, Sofia Wylie and like this post

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Arisaw Cox
Arisaw Cox

Join date : 2022-08-19

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 1:24:53

Nina please post at your earliest convenience
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Arisaw Cox
Arisaw Cox

Join date : 2022-08-19

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 1:40:50

Nina has advised she will be posting soon. She's almost home.
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Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Join date : 2022-09-16
Location : RuPaul's Torture Chamber

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 1:50:15

Okay hello all! Had somewhere I made a commitment to being there, so I apologize for the delay.

Let's get this show on the road.

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Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Join date : 2022-09-16
Location : RuPaul's Torture Chamber

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 1:53:50

Hey girls. It’s your Good Judy, dear friend, and destroyer of worlds Nina Bo’nina Brown.

Reaching this finale has been something I had to put so much effort into, something that I knew if I worked hard and put my pussy into the game, I could reach the end and potentially win. I think I have made it clear throughout this game that I have a very busy schedule which did hinder me in some aspects, but any time I had that I could devote to the game was well-spent.

The specific relationships that I prioritized throughout the game, however they shifted, was something that allowed me to have so much longevity to the point where I could protect myself without needing anyone else. I knew that as long as I never was a final nominee, there was no way that I could leave the game, and I could guarantee myself another round to protect myself and perhaps extend that to someone dear to me. So, I put effort into making relationships with the people who I knew could potentially gain power and use it to protect me. I had Andrea and Mama within my core-3 Powerpuff Girls alliance, who both had a lot of sway in the early-mid game, and unfortunately Mama lost her way but Andrea and I picked up the pieces. Those two reached out to me very early on and sensed that I could be a top-tier ally for them, and I provided them exactly that. Eventually, Loid and Mark, people who have nominated me and vice versa, realized their low positions within the House’s totem pole, and realigned to a new alliance featuring the Powerpuff Girls and Danny, right before Mama’s HoH. Being connected to talkative players that would extend their grace to me around the house allowed me to gain new connections when I knew I was not capable of being as active as others, and that is a feat of me being able to correct my relationships with the people I have wronged and using my perception to scope out which lifeboat I should jump to. I feel like towards the mid game, it was every round where I had a new person that suddenly rose to the top of my priorities and the same for the other party.

My name in the game has always been maneuvering, dodging, and then striking, with a little touch of chaos too. Y’all truly should have seen it coming seeing the character I chose. Someone does indeed have to be the messy one and I am comfortable in that role. In the five times that I have been nominated, I ensured that I would come off the block one way or another, via my relationships I built and maintained or my competition prowess. I never was a final nominee, no one had ever tried to renominate me even though the veto was used 13 out of 16 times. And even if they tried, they had failed to do so. In fact, when I was potentially a renomination, I was able to convince people to PICK ME FOR THE VETO knowing full well I would probably leave if I was a final nominee. That is why I put so much emphasis into making sure I would never be named in an eviction ceremony. I think this is a testament to the fact that I used whatever time I had to reprioritize relationships that would give me enough safety to make it to the next round, and rinse and repeat. I never once had to campaign for a vote for myself and by the mid game, I wanted to ensure that I would never have to in the future. And I had the chops to make that happen.

Obviously my physical game speaks for itself, but the way I used it to create new relationships, gain more information, and use it as leverage was a benefit to my game that I had to work for past the safety I got from those wins. People wanted to work with me because I proved that I could potentially save them, and I used that to my advantage.

My game was, yes, at times very uncouth, but the side that people don’t see was that it was devious, calculated, and relentless. I showed no mercy in this game if you did not benefit me or if I knew you would be someone who would be an obstacle later on. Obviously I am not perfect nor do I claim to be, but there was heavy thought behind every action I took in this game and in the long run I was able to make it here regardless of what I had to endure.

You can say that I was not talkative, which was a long-standing issue I dealt with throughout the game. But I see myself as someone who valued the concept of Miranda Rights very dearly. Oftentimes people who I had just nominated or gone against would attempt to probe me for information, and I would give them nothing at all because I knew that anything I said to people would potentially be used against me. We have seen so much strife in the later portions of this game between the people who were on the block, but my name only came up in those dramatics not as an aggravator to the situation, but instead as someone that they would target as a reason to keep that person in the game. Looking back, it could be seen as a detriment but I see it as a necessary risk that I was willing to take. In this game, I never backed down from taking a risk, as I believed that if I wanted to take that chance to win, I had to take that chance to lose first. I see an example in this most at the Final 4. I had just won full power in the week and it was already set in stone for me that Christine and Lois needed to go. However, if they went, then I would be sitting next to Beatrix in the end, and I wanted to make that more favorable for me. I didn’t want Beatrix to be able to say that she was completely protected from all angles in the endgame, so I used my power to take that away from her even though I fully meant to take Beatrix to the end. Beatrix and Lois have already made it clear to me that they were cutting Christine and would likely favor each other in the Final 3, so I took the risk of saving my biggest adversary in the game to completely skew how the final 3 would play out. All because I did not want Beatrix to have any safety nets other than me in the end. If Lois had made the final 3, Beatrix would have been someone who benefitted from both other people in the final 3 without relying on anyone else. However, I recognized that and took the risk to take that away from her because I knew that if I took the right steps, it would end me up in final 2 next to someone who had no power in the endgame, much like the rest of the season.

You can say I got lucky, you can say that I won out, you can say I was deceptive. But those are aspects of the game that are undeniable and I should not be faulted for using those modes to get to the end. I was risky, I was chaotic, and I was a nasty bitch. And I’m at peace with that because there was so much more to me that entire time. I was calculated, I was controlling, and I was a queen for the people who had my back. Except for Danny, girl I am so sorry. That was one of the worst moments for me in this game and I wish I had woken up in time to keep you. You are someone who I really grew closer to in the long run and I still feel nasty about how you went out, and I apologize for not being responsible.

Overall, my domination of this game is something that was tangible. I played behind the curtain and in your face all while lining up my baskets of eggs in the background. I played to the best of my abilities in every aspect, even when this game was overwhelming and filled me with dread for the entire day. I would still find the time to fight for my life and I was successful every damn time. From the beginning of this game I knew I had that chance to win, and I made sure no matter how battered I was from school or the game that I would keep pushing on. I was determined to reach my goals, I was merciless in my tactics. I never once back down even in the strongest adversities, and I think that is my defining quality. I was a woman who would stand in the face of fire and push through. To the jury, I ask you to look at this entire season and tell me who stood the tallest, who always got back up off the ground, and then made a name for themselves with whatever they could grasp. I had fought my ass off to continue to be here and reach these final two chairs, and it was not easy. But I knew that I was strong and that I was capable of winning this game, and that if I used my natural determination that I have in life, I could ensure that I could make it to the end and WIN. I am Nina Bo’Nina Brown, the calamity, the plague, the woman who sank 1000 ships, and I always struck down whoever opposed me. I ask you ALL to look at me clearly and drop whatever perceptions you had of me prior. Because if we take a look at the statistics, it was clearly between me and Christine for this finale and I made sure that I drew first blood against EVERY person that stood against me. Nina's Karma was a real thing in this game and I made sure it was in effect to its last breath. I made sure I could obliterate my competition and be the last one in this house standing because I knew I'm that girl that could make it happen.

Final 2 Tumblr_oovubdoin61ug9vaqo5_r1_400

Thank you for reading my plea. And if you have any questions for me or would like me to explain something more in depth, please ask away. I thank you all for being a part of this game alongside me, and considering me for a chance to win.

Arisaw Cox, Billy The Puppet Eillish, Terri Joe, Christine Quinn, Loid Forger and Jack Black like this post

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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 1:56:23

Hey I’ll read that shit after but I pre-typed my questions.. so I’m just going to send them before I inevitably fall asleep 🙏 if you’ve answered any of these in your openings.. answer them again or just like copy part or your opening or something please and thank you!

Questions/Statements for the both of you:
1. What are three MOVES you’ve both personally made to advance yourself further into this game and why did you make them?
2. What is one reason why the other player should win over you?
3. Why should you win over the other person? (Please answer this by saying all of the things you think the other person did wrong)

Questions/Statements for Beatrix:
1. In my personal opinion, I view your gameplay as somebody nobody wanted out because you would be an easy person to win against in the final 2 as you did next to nothing in this entire game. Please prove me wrong.
2. Did you throw any competitions?

Questions/Statements for Nina:
1. Your inactivity was something discussed by many members of the jury. There are several cases in which you went days without responding to people. You aren’t the only player who has done this, so please do not feel as if this is me attacking you. I would just like for you to explain why your activity was the way that it was. I know we’ve already discussed it, so only say what you’re comfortable saying

Just my own personal statement: Congratulations to the both of you. Currently, I have an idea of where I’m voting. I am not dead set on it and WILL take your pleas as well as your answers to ALL questions into consideration. If I feel as if either of y’all are stretching the truth on anything, I will gladly call it out as the hosts have put a lot of time, effort, and money into this game. Convince me without the half trues and lies that you deserve my vote to win this season.
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Danny Torrance

Danny Torrance

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 1:59:58

hi i love you both very dearly and i think what i need is for you two to TEAR at each other and tell me why you DESERVE to be the champ over the other. where did your opponent fall short? where did you do something better? don’t hold back either my jury vote depends on it.
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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 2:00:48

In relation to my personal statement:

Beatrix, I did not want you to stay because I liked you. I wanted you to stay because I personally felt as if you had done little to nothing and I knew I wouldn’t have to worry about you winning anything anytime soon to take me out. I had to go for players who COULD win and WOULD take me out

Again, just my personal opinion, which is why I asked you that specific question

Good luck to the both of you, and may the best come out on top!

Christine Quinn likes this post

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Andrea Agosti

Andrea Agosti

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 2:04:31

Also just a fun little question but Nina would you have actually taken me to the final 2 LMFAO
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Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Join date : 2022-09-16
Location : RuPaul's Torture Chamber

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 2:29:00

Hey Andrea sister, I missed you.

To answer the first set of questions:

1. I think the first move I made with power was using my first HoH to gather information and then spread it to the right people. I fed that info to the Powerpuff Girls when Mark said he wanted Mama out, and had multiple people tell me that they wanted Charlie Dompler to go. So naturally, I told Charlie Dompler all the people who said that they wanted him gone, and tried to galvanize him into winning HoH and pushing through that long ass endurance. Through the entire night I stayed with him like I was doing the endurance challenge myself, and encouraged him to keep going against Christine, Andrea, Loid, and Lois because two of those people wanted him gone. Eventually he won that HoH and I knew that he was not touching me because I was willing to provide him with information. I used information as leverage to buy another week in this house.

The second move I made that furthered my game was going for that HoH at the start of Jury and using it to up my position in that new alliance's totem pole, except for Mark, sorry babe but I don't regret it, I lived by a rule of if someone did something to me I would eventually bring it back to them. Mark was still willing to work with me past that and I had no reason to nominate anybody else. That HoH proved to Loid that I was not interested in getting him out anymore (which was helpful because he won HoH right after and created a spectacle I could hide behind), kept my relationships strong with Mama and Andrea, and I faced very little repercussion for getting Sofia Carson and Alison DiLaurentis out. Even though I made an enemy of Christine, there were not many people that she could sway against me considering the flow of HoH winners, all being people I protected during my second HoH and is based on something I mentioned in my opening speech: correctly scoping out who will be the greatest benefactors to my game.

The third move I made was not throwing the final 5 veto to you, Andrea. I love you babes, but I knew that if I wanted to win out and really cement myself as the powerhouse of the finale, you had to go. It ensured that I would be safe as well as being the strongest competitor between the final 4, which I proved to be true in that I won every single competition I competed in afterwards. I just knew you would have given everyone a run for their money in the end and I fear I could not allow that to happen.

2. I think Beatrix should win over me in the event that the jury cannot understand why I could not spend all day talking to folks. I agree that her times staying past evictions was formidable, but I do not think that was on her own accord. But if y'all wanna give her points for that, that is fair.

3. Let's really dive into this, as I alluded to in the above question. I honestly think that Beatrix is going to have a hard time answering your first question and that is part of the reason why I played a better game than her. You pointed it out, Beatrix stayed on eviction nights often because every time there was someone who was a bigger threat than her, not because Beatrix was integral to people's games when her only power in the game was through her votes. Next to Danny, next to Sofia Wylie, Christine Quinn, and Lois Griffin, next to Bryce Hall and Michelle Yeoh and Tyler Joseph, all of those people were exponentially more dangerous than she ever was in the game. There were barely, if not none, any moments where Beatrix was in a position to change the flow of the game where I have been. Any time ideas were pushed to the house, it was never by Beatrix's hand because she never possessed the capital to do so, only being an extraneous part of other people's games. My decisions in this game impacted people directly.

And to your question personally for me:

I had trouble trying to conceal the details of my life because they are very specific to my identity and I don't think any other person who plays games around Twitter share those characteristics. So, I can understand why people would be confused about this as I did conceal a lot of integral, understandable details. I go to school for 7 to 14 hours a day, in person, doing strenuous physical tasks all day that often leaves me exhausted when I come home. I have no room during classes to use my phone or computer. And when I would come home, I would get straight into writing essays and handling homework because of my major. And even after all of that, I still had the determination to reach out to the right people in the game because I knew the dangers of not being active, and I'm sure many of you can say you have received a late night message from me. But of course, it was only enough to protect me, and not enough to make genuine bonds with people. I see this fault in myself and I wish I could have done something about it, but it literally took everything out of me to play this game. I hope you guys can understand why I have been so cryptic about my schedule, but I promise you it will make sense in the long run. I truly gave whatever time I had to this game, and when I couldn't, I still pushed myself until I could not do anything except for rest. I'm sorry that this perception exists, it is my fault for signing up for such an intense game, but I was determined to make it work in any way possible without compromising the matters of my real life.

Thank you for the questions, Andrea!
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Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Nina Bo'Nina Brown

Join date : 2022-09-16
Location : RuPaul's Torture Chamber

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 2:29:38

Andrea Agosti wrote:
Also just a fun little question but Nina would you have actually taken me to the final 2 LMFAO

No I was cutting you at final 3 or earlier but I love you girl. You know youre a bad bitch and theres only room for one in the finale.
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Sofia Wylie

Sofia Wylie

Join date : 2022-09-16
Age : 20

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 2:30:26

Hello Final 2, thank you both for voting to keep me at me week of death. It truly makes it very hard to decide a winner. They were many conversations made in the jury house that made my views clearer, but nothing is 100% set in stone. I would love to hear your responses to my questions and take your pleas into full consideration.

I like to have a system so I’m gonna ask both of you one positive and one negative question 😋


+ : I truly appreciate you keeping me safe on all of your HOH reins, which of your HOH wins do you think helped your game the most?

- : Do you think that winning too many competitions took away from other aspects of the game?


+ : Which relationships do you think allowed you to have a stronger standing in the game?

- : Who would’ve been your target if you didn’t lose every HOH (from the final 8 onward.)

For both of you:

Tell me one positive thing that you think you excelled at, and one negative thing that you think you would have to work on if you play it again.
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Beatrix Kiddo

Beatrix Kiddo

Join date : 2022-09-16

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PostSubject: Re: Final 2   Final 2 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Oct - 2:31:01

Andrea Agosti wrote:
Hey I’ll read that shit after but I pre-typed my questions.. so I’m just going to send them before I inevitably fall asleep 🙏 if you’ve answered any of these in your openings.. answer them again or just like copy part or your opening or something please and thank you!

Questions/Statements for the both of you:
1. What are three MOVES you’ve both personally made to advance yourself further into this game and why did you make them?
2. What is one reason why the other player should win over you?
3. Why should you win over the other person? (Please answer this by saying all of the things you think the other person did wrong)

Questions/Statements for Beatrix:
1. In my personal opinion, I view your gameplay as somebody nobody wanted out because you would be an easy person to win against in the final 2 as you did next to nothing in this entire game. Please prove me wrong.
2. Did you throw any competitions?

Questions/Statements for Nina:
1. Your inactivity was something discussed by many members of the jury. There are several cases in which you went days without responding to people. You aren’t the only player who has done this, so please do not feel as if this is me attacking you. I would just like for you to explain why your activity was the way that it was. I know we’ve already discussed it, so only say what you’re comfortable saying

Just my own personal statement: Congratulations to the both of you. Currently, I have an idea of where I’m voting. I am not dead set on it and WILL take your pleas as well as your answers to ALL questions into consideration. If I feel as if either of y’all are stretching the truth on anything, I will gladly call it out as the hosts have put a lot of time, effort, and money into this game. Convince me without the half trues and lies that you deserve my vote to win this season.

Hello Andrea, thank you for the questions! I will start by addressing your first general statements. I think the first pivotal move that really launched my game forward was the creation of my first alliance with you, Christine, and Aimee. At that time I was really close with Aimee and she fed me many details about other alliances she was involved in which contained a good portion of the house. This information was very key to me because it showed me how deep rooted everyone’s social positioning was in the house and I used this to my advantage by more so focusing on one-on-one relationships versus groups. Once the house started splitting at the jury phase, I remained quiet in public chat, but talked to everyone privately to ensure that I was never stuck in the crosshairs. Another move that I would like to take credit for is being the driving force in getting you evicted, who I felt was running the show. I think you were definitely a powerful player in the season and it showed through you never being on the block until you were evicted. I nurtured that relationship with Lois who had just ratted me out to Christine the round prior. I honestly thought I would be the renomination but through coaxing Lois, I was able to evade the block entirely and I think that is a true testament to my social game. Another move that I contribute to social preservation was getting closer to Loid before he won his head of household competition. It is hard to make flashy moves when you are not in a position of power from comp wins, but before Loid won his HOH, I just had the feeling that he would win it because of it being the creative writing competition and that he would pull out all the stops to win that HOH because he realized he was on the bottom. I created a genuine connection with Loid and this allowed me to avoid the block while two of my alliance members remained final nominees. I was constantly reassuring myself with the other houseguests to secure myself safety for another round and it was key in a round like that when it seemed like no one was safe.

Nina should win over me because she has won more competitions than me that has allowed her to make all the flashy moves she wants. This is a good thing to have for a jury that does not understand first and foremost that the at the end of the day Big Brother is a *social game*. However, I would like to say that I have a lot of respect for Nina because while some people felt that they didn’t hear much from her, I heard just what I needed to hear in the words “You’re safe with me.” I want to win this game because I think I have maneuvered through this game socially and did not need to rely on comp wins to make it through rounds.

I think I personally should win over Nina because her role in this game was barely ever in jeopardy and I had to fight socially to get where I am at now. I made key connections with individuals like Aimee, Nina, Christine, and Lois that secured my safety at key rounds where at times I could have been out of the door. Since the jury phase she has won or been given safety 9 out of 11 weeks and I think if there was just one week where she slipped up she would have been immediately gone. I did not need to rely on these comp wins and was able to efficiently progress through the game. I feel like there is much more of a game to be played aside from winning competitions because you need to secure your safety through the undesired alternative: creating bonds in the game and seeming trustworthy to your opponent. I will say it was difficult to evict many of you but the game had to progress and I made decisions that I knew would get me further in the game. Nina never had to face an eviction, and I could have gone home so many times by being re-nominated because I was vulnerable, but I was able to avoid being nominated or plead for eviction votes. I think that comp wins are less impressive than being able to connect socially with the houseguests to remain in the game.

Andrea regarding your personal question towards me, I think you felt this way because I wanted people to feel this way about me. I was constantly monitoring my threat level while maintaining the social bonds I was creating in the house. I knew that once I started winning competitions that would put more of a target on my back. That did not mean I didn't try as I did come second in a few comps when results were publicly revealed. I let my votes do the talking and I always made sure I had a say in who I wanted to go home each round. I think it is unfair to say that I did nothing because I think it took alot to get here by gaining trust from my housemates and protecting myself at the end of the day. I think my vote held a lot of weight in this game and I did not need comp wins to secure my safety but instead through my social game.

Finally, I never 100% threw any competitions. Early on I knew it wasn’t good to win competitions because it would get unnecessary blood on my hands. As I did mention before I did realize that if I won a comp the conversation would change from Beatrix isn't doing much to, oh Beatrix can win comps we need her gone. I think a perfect example of this is to see what happened to Lois. She was flying under the radar for a majority of the game but the minute she wins a competition she is immediately ousted. I think through monitoring my threat level I knew that I did not need comp wins to secure my spot in the end.

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